How to Become a Senator

Membership in the ECU Staff Senate is open to full-time SHRA, CSS, DMSS, and non-teaching EHRA employees with permanent status. The SHRA, CSS, DMSS, and non-teaching EHRA employees within each division elect senators for their respective divisions to two-year terms. Each division elects one senator for every 100 SHRA, CSS, DMSS, and non-teaching EHRA employees within the division. The number of senators per division is based on figures rounded to the nearest 100 employees.

The Staff Senate membership voted to stagger the terms of elected senators during the first year of the senate to ensure the continuity of membership, historic knowledge, and experience relative to Staff Senate issues and procedures. As a result, and as members complete full terms, senators and alternates are needed from the following university divisions:

  • Academic Affairs
  • Administration & Finance
  • Athletics
  • Brody School of Medicine
  • Chancellor’s Office
  • Student Affairs
  • University Advancement

The Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief People Officer is an ex-officio member of the Staff Senate. The Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief People Officer, or appointed delegate, attends the monthly Executive Committee meetings and the monthly Staff Senate meetings.

What are the qualification for Senators?

  • Senators must be full-time, permanent SHRA, CSS, DMSS, or non-teaching EHRA employees.
  • Senators must have 12 months of continuous services in a permanent position with the university prior to being nominated.
  • Senators cannot have any active disciplinary actions or active written warnings for unsatisfactory job performance or unacceptable personal conduct.

What are the duties of Senators?

  • Senators shall attend all regular monthly meetings during the academic year as well as special or called meetings.
  • Senators shall serve on committees of the Staff Senate and may be elected as an officer of those committees.
  • Senators shall make themselves known to their constituents indicating how they can be contacted. They shall be willing to hear concerns, to receive information and suggestions, and to communicate these effectively to Staff Senate. In turn, senators must keep their constituents well informed of the work of the Staff Senate and matters that the administration wishes to communicate to the Staff Senate.

How long is the term of office for a Senator?

The terms of office for senators begin with the May meeting of the Staff Senate. Senator seats have a two-year term while Alternate seats are only one year.

What is the election process?

  • Individuals wanting to be considered for the Staff Senate may nominate themselves or have someone nominate them once a request for nominations is sent out (an announcement with nomination instructions is usually sent electronically).
  • Approval of the supervisor is also necessary before a nominee’s name is placed on the ballot. Supervisors should sign the nomination form prior to submission of the nomination.
  • After the closing date for nominations, the Department for People Operations, Success, and Opportunity (POSO) will certify the eligibility of the nominees and shall notify the nominees that their names will be placed on the election ballots.
  • Election of senators to the Staff Senate is conducted through ballots electronically mailed to each of the employees eligible to vote within the appropriate division. The election ballots will contain the name of the division, the names of the nominees in alphabetical order, the number of senators to be elected, and instructions for voting.
  • Results of the elections will be electronically mailed to the various departments on campus for posting.
  • At the close of the elections, the Staff Senate will count the ballots.
  • Senators will be selected based on the highest number of votes received. In case of a tie, there will be a run off.
  • The Staff Senate shall notify the newly elected senators and shall make the results of the election known to the university community via the Announce listserv.
  • All elected senators shall assume responsibilities at the first meeting of the Staff Senate in the Spring of each year.